Much Ado at the Pompidou

Much Ado at the Pompidou

We witnessed an inspiring exhibit of the worlds most amazing pop-artist (second only to Warhol), Roy Lichtenstein at the Pompidou in Paris. Lichtenstein had a way of reinterpreting the emotional nature of great art and viewing from a distance with an eye that was always critical, but never cynical. Using almost solely primary colors, black lines, and Ben-Day dots he created some of the most recognizable images in modern art.

Amazing how he could evoke such a sense of emotion, context, and relatability despite his mathematical and mechanical painting style.
Arguably his most famous series includes beautiful women in distressed scenarios with glamorous make-up and sophisticated hairstyles… Perfect inspiration for a creative hair exploration!

Style Council observing one of Lichtenstein’s pieces

A young artist sketching her rendition of Lichtenstein’s work

Rat Boy enjoying the artwork